Youn Ja Johnson's "Tribute to Mother Earth" is located on UNM's Yale Mall and is a peaceful place to reflect on the day's activities.
Click Here to Enter Registration Portal!
Full Registration Includes:
Participation in all sessions, Symposium abstracts including the electronic version of the book of papers, Coffee breaks, Welcome Reception at the University of New Mexico. (Awards Banquet not included).
By June 6 — $500
After June 6 — $600
Student Registration:
Includes: Participation to all sessions, Symposium abstracts including the electronic version of the book of papers, Coffee breaks, Welcome Reception at the University of New Mexico (to receive the student rate, please send a copy of a valid student card to at the same time as the online registration. Awards Banquet not included).
By June 6 — $250
After June 6 — $300
Welcome Cocktail:
Additional tickets for accompanying persons — $10
Awards Banquet:
To be held at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History:
Tickets for the Awards Banquet are not included
in the registration fee — $75